Beyond the Crushing Waves Synopsis by Diane-Lyn: London, 1950’s: Mary and Lottie Roberts are poor sisters living in London’s slums with their abusive, negligent mother. When their mother meets a man, she’s determined to begin a new life with him; one that doesn’t include her children. She sends the girls away to the Fairbridge Farm […]
Hello readers, and thank you for visiting The Cozy Book Blog! I am happy to be today’s stop on the virtual book tour for The Secrets of Ohnita Harbor by Patricia Crisafulli. Many thanks to Lisa Munley at TLC Books for the invite. Enjoy the guest post below, and thanks again for stopping in. Happy […]
With a beautiful rival who’s better connected and better trained than she is, Adélaïde faces an uphill battle. Her love affair with her young instructor in oil painting gives rise to suspicions that he touches up her work, and her decision to make much-needed money by executing erotic pastels threatens to create as many problems as it solves.